My goodness. It has been a month since my last posting. Shame on me. I know not a ton of people read this blog, but for the ones who do, thank you and I very much appreciate the support from all your comments. I apologize to the few who read it and hope you forgive me, my life has been a bit wacky.
First I started interning regularly for Cristina Erlich once a week. Then I went to NC and SC which I'll tell you about after. And then I started a ballet intensive. Oh, and I'm in the process of getting a driving permit. But since I hurt my ankle from jumping on a trampoline, I have down time and decided to reenter the magical world of blogging. I realize I miss it dearly and am now dedicating a bit of each day to write a post so I can get into a routine and don't forget about my lovely readers:) So, we are starting with my wonderful trip to the Carolina's.
My family and I were visiting the Carolina's for work and a possible permanent destination. Of course it wouldn't be until I was out of high school that my family would move, so it doesn't truly concern me as much as it does my parents and little brother.
In the lovely Wrightsville Beach in NC with its soft flour like sand and its clear warm blue water I lived in this lovely thing:
And these too:
After laying out on the beach for a week, we moved on to Charleston, SC, where we stayed with lovely friends of ours in a place called Pleasantville. Doesn't it sound pleasant? Downtown Charleston was ADORABLE. No doubt about it. King St. was where it was happening:
It's a quaint little street with EVERY shop under the sun. Here are some of my favorite store fronts:
But my absolute favorite was the Urban Outfitters. No. Words. To. Describe. How. In. Love. With. This. Store. I. Am. AH. It could be the fact that it's built in an old movie theater. Or maybe that it has a charming little chair elevator for the disabled on the stairway. Or possibly the clothes themselves. I don't know. But all I can say is it made me want to move there. That should mean something.
Amazing. Here's the little Lark & Wolf jumper my dear mother got me for only $10. It's so delightful and summery I wore it for practically a week straight! Thanks mom!
And we basically HAD to get frozen yogurt that cost more than my sweater cause it was a bazillion degrees out and 100% humidity. OHMYGOD.
Seeing this picture reminds me of the lovely people we stayed with. Dana and Dick. They own all the best restaurants in town including High Cotton, Slightly North of Broad, and The Old Village Post House. So if you ever happen to be in Charleston, stop by one of them. Dee-lish. Anyways, those specks I'm wearing in the picture are from dear Dana. She found them at one of her restaurants in the Lost and Found. They are INCREDIBLE and I LOVE THEM. Thank you Dana and poor person who lost their really cool sunnies.
And for the last picture, here's me at the beach in SC, hiding from the sun.
And hey look! There I am! A state over and I'm in Savannah, Georgia. I bet they named it after me. Tehe.
all pictures taken by me or my family:) |
So that concludes my first trip to the Carolina's. Thanks for listening and you'll here more from me soon.
Kisses and Candy,