
Oh Wow, Lovely

Okay so this post is completely dedicated to being Cassie Ainsworth from Skins. She is perfect and everyone needs to be more like Cassie (except for the anorexia thing).
First off, 'Oh wow,' 'Oh cool,' 'Lovely,' and 'Totally' are now regular phrases in your vocabulary. Second, remember to smile A LOT. Even when you are saying fuck off to someone, you must smile and widen your eyes. She knows what she's doing.
Cassie's makeup and hair are relatively minimal. She wears shimmery eyeshadow in the day maybe mixed with a bit of grey and a very thin line of eyeliner only on top. She extends the shimmer to under her eyes as well. For dressing up she picks bright color eyeshadows such as green, magenta and blue. She wears a very light peachy blush and light pink lipgloss or red rouge lipstick. This is all i've ever seen her wear for makeup. Urban Decay has a really good selection of bright shimmery colors. Also i really like Mac lipgloss and Nars blush. For hair it's usually quite messy. Crimp it and curl it or wave it, sleep on it, and then add matching vintage clips. Sometimes she wears those fake birds in her hair too which are really adorable. For going out she does a sort of twenties updo look sometimes. She swirls it in the back and waves it in the front and it looks really cool. I'm not too sure how to do it though. I would search for clips and things at www.etsy.comHere are some of Cassie's makeup and hair styles:

Now for Cassie's style. She's brilliantly wacky when it comes to dressing herself. Here are some key things to remember when getting dressed up in Cassie attire:
Plastic toy necklaces
Loose weird graphic t-shirts (bows or rib cages)
Patterned t-shirts or long sleeves (to wear under vintage dresses)
School blazers with pins
Fancy over the knee loose fitting vintage dresses
Long skirts in pale colors or plaids
Funky slips
Boy's underwear
Fancy bras
Knee high tights and fishnets
Patterned socks
Mary Janes or T-bar shoes
Tote bags
Make necklaces out of string and gumbal machine toys or things you have lying around. She also has one with a goldfish on it :)

If you're willing to spend money on really wicked t-shirts like Cassie's, shop at www.wildfoxcouture.com. Otherwise thrift them, you just have to be willing to do some digging!

Find blazers or funny tail coats at thrift stores and cover them in weird pins like the skateboard one hanging from Cassie's above.

bottom image from stardustings.tumblr.com Yourbest bet for finding gems like the dresses Cassie wears are vintage shopping. it's a bit more pricey than thrifting but you're sure to find some valuble fancy dresses.

bottom image from stardustings.tumblr.com I also suggest thrifting the long skirts or searching etsy for some, but they will be more expensive there.

definitely vintage shop for slips like Cassie's, just be sure to wash before you wear!

I have yet to find a place to get bras as adorable and petty as Cassie's. I suggest searching department stores and online. As for the underwear store.americanapparel.net has some good ones.

Tights and socks are worn with ALL Cassie's outfits. us.topshop.com has a brilliant selection of tights and socks!
Here's a really good DIY for these sparkly shoes hwchic.wordpress.com

Cassie always has on Gold or sparkly shoes.

mickey mouse and daffy duck!

Tote bags can be found almost anywhere. decorate them with loads of pins!

Here are the colors and textures to remember:
Pale pinks
Shimmery champaignes
Black (for dresses or shoes)

Here's a good polyvore collection of Cassie inspired pieces www.polyvore.com
Then all you need is a watch around your ankle and a stuffed monkey round your neck!

note the gold sparlkly tights. YOU NEED THEM.
milk + daisies,